Friday, April 3, 2009

Samdach Hun Sen accepts Kasit’s apology

Thai, Cambodian army officers hold talks after border gunfire [-Thai troops deliberately provoking Cambodian soldiers?]

BANGKOK, April 3 (Xinhua) -- Local-level Thai army officers were in the process to hold talk with those of Cambodian army officers after the two sides exchanged gunfire briefly early Friday morning on a disputed border area, Thai army spokesman Colonel Sansern Khaewkamnerd said.The exchange of gunfire occurred after Thai soldiers went to tell around 20 Cambodian soldiers, who were at Tramareu area that Tramareu [Veal Entry in Khmer] belongs to Thailand, so they should not have entered, the Thai army spokesman told Xinhua during a telephone interview.After the two sides separated from their meeting at Tramareu area, it was the Cambodian side that started opening fire, said the Thai army spokesman.After the Thai soldiers did hear the shooting from the Cambodian side, they did fire back, said Colonel Sansern. Meanhwile, Phay Siphan, Cambodian spokesman of the Council of Ministers, said the crossfire occurred around 07:15 local time (0015GMT), after a number of Thai soldiers trespassed on the Eagle Field, a piece of Cambodian soil.According to a report by the website of Thai-language newspaper Thai Rath, the Cambodian soldiers claimed the shooting from their side was the accident.By mid-Friday there was no report of casualty from the two sides.On Thursday a Thai soldier during his patrol task stepped on a landmine and lost a leg at Tramareu area, and it was suspected that the landmine was planted by the Cambodian soldiers, Colonel Sansern said.Tramareu area, which is around one kilometer from Preah Vihear temple, is in Kantalak district of Thailand's northeastern province of Sisaket, according to the Thai army spokesman.In July last year, the tension over the long-disputed territory of the two countries started after the 11th century Preah Vihear temple at the border was granted UNESCO World Heritage status.The two countries' troops clashed in the area in October and four soldiers died. The border dispute has not been resolved during subsequent talks by the two countries.The two neighboring countries have never fully demarcated their disputed border, due partly to landmines left over from decades of war in Cambodia.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Cambodians look to the heavens to explain lightning deaths

Lightning strikes killed 95 Cambodians last year, prompting both scientific and superstitious searches for the cause.The tropical Southeast Asian country of lazy rivers and lakes is particularly prone to cloud formations which generate intense lightning storms, said Long Saravuth, a weather expert at Cambodia's Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology.These formations can hover just 50 metres above the earth and anyone underneath is vulnerable to lightning strike.As the country's rainy season drew to a close, local newspapers seemed to carry reports on new lightning deaths nearly every day."Most of the people killed are farmers who continue to work in rice paddies or herd cattle during rainstorms," said Mr Saravuth."Those people should be highly alert to the problem, but they don't try to find shelter when it rains," he said.Very superstitiousCambodians have searched science and religion to explain the phenomenon, with many of the country's 14 million people believing lightning is connected to supernatural forces."The lightning last year was more fierce than ever before. I'm worried I might be the next victim - but I believe if we do good deeds, we avoid lightning and bad luck," said Cheng Chenda, a housewife in Phnom Penh.In his office at the Buddhist Institute, advisor on mores and customs, Miech Ponn, said many Cambodians believe that people with moles on their calves are susceptible to lightning strikes, as are people who have broken promises.Cambodians also use mystical cures for those who have been struck."To resuscitate a victim, Cambodian villagers drape the person's body with a white cloth, or jump over it three times, or place the victim in a bed and light a fire under the bed," said Miech Ponn, who believes these techniques can work.Miech Ponn said the surge in fatalities caused by lightning was predicted by Cambodia's chief royal astrologer, Kang Ken, and that the country is now prone to more natural disasters."The increase in lightning deaths was caused by deterioration of nature and a religious prophecy that said it was a bad luck year," said Miech Ponn.Hard science gives a slightly different explanation.Over the past two years the country has had particularly heavy rainy seasons from May to November, which might be partly explained by global climate change, said Long Saravuth, the weather expert.Meanwhile, Anthony Del Genio, a scientist at the US space agency NASA, said the incidence of lightning deaths in 2008 did not point to a climate change cause because the timeframe was too short.The best guess was that warmer and drier weather earlier last year had created conditions for more vigorous lightning storms.

Weather: Unusual cold season

The ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology distributed a communiqué on Thursday 15 Jan, indicating the current weather condition in the kingdom. According to this communiqué, because of a persistent high pressure zone and wind blowing from Siberia, a cold weather is settling in during the past few days. This condition will last at least until 19 Jan. The department of meteorology distinguishes 4 zones: in the mountain area, the temperature will hover between 7 and 10 degrees Celsius. In Preah Vihear, Ratanakiri, Mondulkiri, Stung treng, Oddar Meanchey, Pursat, Battambang and Pailin, temperature will vary between 12 and 15 degrees. In Phnom Penh and the surrounding provinces, i.e. Kandal, Takeo, Kampong Speu, Kampong Thom, Kampong Chhnang, Prey Veng, Svay Rieng, Kampong Cham and Kratie, the temperature is expected to range between 15 and 18 degrees. Finally, along the coastline areas of Koh Kong, Kampot, Sihanoukville will be less affected by the cold snap, with temperature ranging between 19 and 21 degrees. Set Vannareth, the director of the department of meteorology, announced that “these are not unusual temperatures when compared to the previous year, however, the cold season lasts longer. Cambodians must take care of their health given this weather forecast.”